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Entries by Jim Madden and Thomas Jacques (60)


Jim and Thomas Radio Interview!!!!


Start 'em early!

From our designer Mythangelo




Man Meets Stove Cookbook is AVAILABLE!!!!

Hi everyone!  

Just wanted to let you know that our cookbook is HERE! We have signed authors copies, Kindle version, and regular copies available through our ebook store and Amazon at !  

We are also going to be posting sections of the book, in consecutive order, periodically for your reading pleasure, so please enjoy!



Man Broccoli


Thomas Kellers Mayonnaise Roasted Turkey Breast....

We know its not Thanksgiving any more, but Jim craves turkey year round and has dreams of smoked turkey floating around his head, all year long.  Yeah, it's weird, but then he's accepted that about himself.

He found this article in Esquire and had to repost it, as it doesn't involve a whole bird (difficult) and involves mayo (yummy) and turkey (awesome):

Thomas Keller's Mayonnaise-Roasted Turkey Breast

Use half turkey breasts, as the mayonnaise will not adhere properly to a full breast. The turkey is done when the meat thermometer registers 160 to 165 degrees.

• One 2-½- to 3-pound turkey breast
• 2 cups homemade or good-quality commercial mayonnaise
• 3/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
• 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
• 1/2 teaspoon paprika
• Liberal amounts of kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Place an oven rack in the lower third of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and top with a cooling rack. Rinse the breast and pat dry with paper towels. Trim away excess skin and fat.

Mix the mayonnaise with the remaining ingredients. Sprinkle the underside of the breast with salt and pepper and completely cover the skin side with the mayonnaise-nutmeg-clove-and-paprika mixture. Spread as evenly as possible. The coating should be about ½-inch thick. Place the breast, mayonnaise side up, on the rack and roast for 1 hour and 40 minutes or until the thickest part of the breast reaches 160 degrees. The coating will have turned black. Remove from the oven and allow to sit for a few minutes before carving.

Jim just left the building.  Muttered something about "Pillaging the grocery store for turkey breasts" as he ran out.


Man Meets Stove Kickstarter Project LAUNCHED!!!!

Yeah, yeah, we know, it's Christmas, but the good news is, you can pledge now, and pay in January!  How cool is THAT?

In exchange, we have very cool rewards for those that pledge, be sure to check out the video.

Click on the link below and spread the word if you like it!  Thanks for your support!


An Ode to the Spoon

This article in Bon Appetite on chefs and their spoons immediately captivated us.  "There's a connection between chefs and their spoons that most people who don't work in kitchens don't realize.  Chef's use spoons for practically every job, including basting, plating, saucing, tasting, flipping and turning meat, or simply stirring a pot".  Cory Lee of Benu in San Fransisco.

Indeed. Jim found a particular spoon and loved it so much that he went back to Sur La Table and bought every one they still had.  Yes, it's not a glorious custom-made silver spoon with a certain bowl size, it's a lowly wooden spoon/spatula.  But it's his, and he LOVES it.  Jim says, "I use it for everything, just like it says in the article.  I have three of those spoons and when they die, I'm going to go on a hunt for more, and possibly have to have more made, if I can't find some like it.  I'm obssessed, I constantly reach for them in the kitchen".

"We use different styles and shapes of spoons depending on the task we are trying to acheive," says Thomas Keller of the French Laundry in London, "For shaping quenelles, we look for spoons with a deep and tapered head.  For saucing, we will use spoons that have a square or straight edge for maximum control."

So the next time your in the kitchen, consider the lowly spoon.  Do you have one you gravitate to?  Consider, and keep an eye on it, because someone may be hunting for YOUR special spoon.


Hamburger Help Her - Military Spec


Hamburger Help Her 

A.       Nutritional admixture for protein and pasta
B.       Use recommendations for usage of completed admixture
C.       Cheese applications
D.       Sauce and Seasoning packet entry and introduction
E.       The work of this section applies to protein and pasta in the following locations:
1.       Packed office worker lunch
2.       Packed lunch of minor sibling of prospective spouse
3.       Hot meal served in desperate attempt
4.       Leftover eating
5.       Meals on moving day
A.       Section 0H323-7 – Dry Pasta:  Pasta acquisition and use
B.       Section 0F013-3B - Beef:  Why it’s what’s for Lunch
C.       Section 0A001-A1 – Why bad food happens to good people
A.       NPA 1207.2 – Dry Pasta
B.       NPA 1222.4 – Fresh Pasta
C.       USDA MC6 – Macaroni and Cheese for use in domestic programs
D.       ASTM J 39/C 39LM - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Elbow Macaroni
E.       ASTM J 309J 74W - Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Dry Pasta Sauce Generation
F.       ASTM X 666 - Standard Test Method for Resistance of Date to Alcohol
G.      COJ CRD-C 56 - Standard Test Method for Water Permeability of White Blouse
H.       NSFW 61 – Pictographic Symbolic Representation of Ex-GirlFriend
A.       Submit only when Quality Assurance test measures have been accomplished and you have washed your hands and changed out of your mom’s old Kitchen apron.
Addenda: Didn’t we tell you to get rid of that thing?
B.       Product Data:  Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including:
1.       Preparation instructions and recommendations.
2.       Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
3.       Installation methods.
C.       Manufacturer's Certificates: Certify products meet or exceed specified requirements.
A.      Taste and Aroma Testing: As you work, taste and smell what you are cooking up, always. Because we warn you, if it smells bad it almost always is bad. This principal has broad application and only very minor exceptions.
B.      Installer Qualifications: We know what you want to install, but you are just working up to the conversation, so cool it.
C.      Pre-installation Meeting:  Before you serve these meager rations, you need to prepare the receiver. Stipulate that you had no other food because you gave it all to the waif orphan that came to the door just before she arrived.  Also this might be a good time to say you are off your game today in the kitchen and maybe set a small bouquet of flowers on the table.
A.      Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened, undamaged containers with identification labels intact. Scratch that, hide the dam box.  She will know, and you will know, but if you manage to charm her with the tacky apron and the flowers you stole from the neighbor lady, don’t rub her face in it by leaving the box out in plain site.
B.      Store materials protected from exposure to harmful weather conditions and at temperature conditions recommended by manufacturer. i.e. don’t store boxes of Hamburger Helper in the shower, under the bathroom sink or in your sock drawer. In fact we are not sure you shouldn’t just take that whole drawer out to the recycle bin and start over. Socks and all.
A.      Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results.  Do not prepare products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.
1.8     WARRANTY
A.      The product shall have a shelf life of at least one year from date of manufacturer. Product shall not be manufactured more than 45 days prior to shipping. Frankly, if the box has not gone soggy with mildew, we’re pretty sure it’s fine, just go ahead and cook it an extra minute or so, the idea being that pasta and chemical seasonings “go bad” is just good marketing. Just ask the next Cougar you see about shelf life.
A.      See Section 0HN120085.2 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions.
B.      Section 0HN120085.2 – Everyone thinks they have extra material, but usually it is only Brunettes.
A.      Betty Crocker, Suizie Microwave, Rebecca Fire Pit or other approved provider
B.      Substitutions:  Not permitted.
C.      Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.
D.      Section 01600 Didn’t I say no substitutions.
A.      Fresh Tomato to add a bit of realism to this disaster you have been brewing
B.      1 pound ground beef, not the extra lean crap, get the ground steak if you can find it
C.      Extra Cheddar Cheese for a bump of cheesy goodness
D.      The meat shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Meat and Poultry Inspection Regulations (9 CFR Parts 301 to 350).  Noncarcass components (e.g., cheek meat, head meat, ox tails, esophagus, hearts, elbows, assholes and similar by-products, also known collectively as “offal”) shall not be used.
E.    The pasta delivered in the Betty Crocker 5.80 ounce box shall meet the requirements as specified in the Commercial Item Description for Pasta Products, Enriched (CID) A-A-20062D, except for the following:
1) Only Semolina flour shall be used
2) Only enriched elbow style macaroni shall be used
3) Size of elbow style macaroni shall be:
a)            Thickness                                  0.0034 inch to 0.057 inch
b)            Diameter                                    0.190 inch to 0.220 inch
c) Length (outer Curvilinear)                        1/4 inch to 1/2 inch
2.3     Potable Water Contact Approval:  NSF certification for use in preparations requiring potable water, based on testing in accordance with NSF 61.
A.       One medium sized frying pan containing 1 cup Potable Water, with well-fitting cover.
1.       Coverage:  full pot circumference
A.       Comply with requirements of Section 03300.
B.       Make and test trial mixes under project conditions to determine dosage rate.
C.       Add extra cheese and fresh tomato near end of heating transfer, otherwise following manufacturer's instructions.
D.       Heat ground beef in pan, stirring to break up chunks.
E.       Drain fat from frying pan after beef has browned.
F.       Stir in 1 cup hot water
G.       Add admixture elements, 2 cups milk, sauce packet contents and uncooked pasta
H.       Reduce heat to medium low and cover to simmer roughly 10 minutes
I.        Stir occasionally
J.       Cook until pasta is al dente, remove from heat
K.      Add admixture extras here
L.       Sauce will thicken, so don’t waste your time.
3.2     SECTION 03300
A.      Dress this homely dish by browning a half of a small onion chopped fine in butter before adding the ground beef
B.      A handful of mushrooms wouldn’t go wrong either, add those in when the onions just start to look clear, and let the mushrooms shrink down, as they will.
C.      Cut open a single clove of garlic on the fat end, rub that around on the bottom of the pan before you add the onion and mushroom.
D.      Add four (4) shakes of oregano or two small finger pinches to the ground beef just as it starts to sizzle
E.      Grind some fresh black pepper over the beef as it cooks and stir it in
F.      After you plate, give the pasta and meat a short grind of the good pink sea salt, not very much, as that sauce packet has enough salt to kill a seaman.
G.      Before you even start down this road, consider how close Lent is, maybe you could sell her on the idea that you think the two of you should give up dinner for the day in preparation for the coming religious holiday.



Knife Skills